View Full Version : Philosophy

  1. Filosofey
  2. Philosophy Web References
  3. Philosophy Topics
  4. Epistemology
  5. Free will / destiny / predetermination
  6. Paradoxes
  7. Taoism
  8. Oshii vs. Miyazaki
  9. The Almighty tells me...
  10. Philosophy: A Guide to Living Well
  11. John Rawls
  12. Animal Rights Follies
  13. Arguments for AR from a virtue ethics view
  14. Tom Regan lecture
  15. Did Singer just say sex with animals is OK?!!
  16. Animal Welfare and Speciesism
  17. Computability & the mind
  18. What is the Meaning of Life?
  19. [wikihow] article about how to be polite vegan
  20. Immoral Act – moral Actor???
  21. The Mighty CULTURAL ASSUMPTION Thread
  22. Research Topic help?
  23. Animal Rights Philosophy thread on Meetup
  24. what do you think about my posts on these forums?
  25. No Impact Man - Breaking the Rules
  26. Man vs. Animal
  27. Why is it okay for other animals to kill animals, and not us?
  28. Herbivorous Humans
  29. Artificially Grown Meat: for it or against it?
  30. Local produce vs. organic produce
  31. Green anarchists who bash veganism and hunt.
  32. Food products that are made-by animals?
  33. A Field Guide to Critical Thinking
  34. Slippery Slope
  35. How to Spot Pseudoscience
  36. Activism: a discussion on tactics and ethics
  37. The Politics of Optimism
  38. Spiritual Writers not Veg*an
  39. Diet Discrimination?
  40. Vegans in "sheeps" clothing?
  41. What to do with the leather I own?
  42. HDD Enclosure with Leather Carry Bag - Should I Keep It?
  43. Harm Reduction and Optimism
  44. How do you vegan?
  45. Unvegan Jobs
  46. A new abolitionist vegan outreach pamphlet
  47. A Historical, and Cultural Look at Meat (politics)...
  48. false beliefs and titles...
  49. The Apologetics Thread
  50. Feminism and Veganism ala Carol Adams and others
  51. Random Lent
  52. Minimalism
  53. Quantifying Our Himsa/Ahimsa Ratio
  54. Science is Important
  55. Stem cells: embryonic versus adults, scientists and Christians
  56. The Bible
  57. supporting family vs. supporting animal testing
  58. Almost convinced...
  59. guidelines for living
  60. A dilemma
  61. Animal Agriculture has religious messenger
  62. I Can Haz Veggie Veg Speak
  63. Supreme Master Ching Hai
  64. Rational Veganism
  65. Thoughts on Race
  66. How An Amazonian Tribe Turned A Missionary Into An Atheist
  67. Welfare Arguments for Veganism
  68. Race on thoughts
  69. What veganism is and what it isn't
  70. Giving Up Veganism
  71. Derrida on Animals - antispeciesm?
  72. Steve Best's Manifesto
  73. The Imperfect Vegan
  74. Essay: The hypocrisy of anti-PETA feminists
  75. Spirituality, Religion, and Veganism
  76. Qualms for the Poor
  77. Feminism, Veganism, and Animal Rights
  78. The "all-inclusive oppression discussion thread" Thread.
  79. Socialism - discuss
  80. Steven Best vs. Gary Francione
  81. The work of politics: production of visibility for new people/subjects
  82. How Does AR Effect Your Position On Abortion (If at all)
  83. Drive: What motivates us?
  84. LOL Theorists!
  85. Looking for Francione quote
  86. Facts Do No Not Matter
  87. Should carnivores be destroyed?
  88. Gender-neutral Pronouns - Come Out and Play!
  89. Is it right to bring children into this world?
  90. How should we destroy the world?
  91. The Meat Eaters
  92. Rights of the people in "The Bodies"
  93. Native American culture/spirituality and animal use.